Friday, September 13, 2013

Organizing Your Checkbook Register

The other day I was thinking to myself that I should be receiving my bank statement soon.  I don't know if many are like me, but I LOVE balancing my checkbook!  It has not always been like that though.  Unfortunately, a few years back, my husband and myself where victims of fraud.  It was a horrible experience and I wish it on NO ONE!  Long story short, my checkbook was a MESS!  I was scared, stressed, and just plain freaking out. I ended up going to the bank because my checkbook register didn't match my statements, obviously.  Luckily, they understood that I wasn't in India making purchases so they sat down with me and calmly helped me sort it out.  

This little tip is the good that came from a bad situation.  When helping me balance my checkbook the patient bank lady grabbed my register, my statements, a calculator, and HIGHLIGHTERS!    

Going through, she used the highlighter on the statement as well as in the register.  After balancing that month, she would continue.  Grabbing a new color, she started on the next month.  It is something so simple but has made my life so much easier!!  When looking through your register, it is so clear what bills went with what month!

People may read this post and think I am crazy but I am going to bet that there are some nerds (like me!) out there that will really appreciate this tip.  I know I have.  Thank you again calm bank lady!! :)

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