Friday, May 16, 2014

Healthy Avocado Egg

It seems like I am constantly saying, "I need to lose weight!"  If you have followed our blog, you've seen the statement in the past and I can guarantee you'll see it in the future as well.  It's an ongoing struggle for everyone, right!  Please tell me so.  
With trying to lose weight, I decided to cut back on my carbs--this week anyway. ;) I saw this "recipe" on Pinterest and thought it looked amazing (and easy), so I noted it. Hearing that both avocado and eggs are a good source of protein, I decided to make this before I ellipticalize. :)
It was very yummy!  Next time, I am going to cut up tomatoes for the "side dish".  I like a little contrast in texture and temperature.  I think it will pair well. 

Because this is a pretty basic recipe, I am just going to give you what you need, no instructions.  I have faith you can figure it out. ;)

Things Needed:
Sheet pan
Aluminum Foil
Bake at 300 degrees until egg is the consistency you like it.

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